Happy Catechetical Month – Sep 14
Happy Catechetical Month to all our dedicated and generous Catechists. I thank you sincerely for your service to faith formation in this Archdiocese.
The General Directory for Catechesis tells us that the definitive aim of catechesis is to put people not only in touch, but also in communion and intimacy with Jesus Christ. This translates that as catechists we too must find time to nurture our relationship with Jesus. Without this relationship we cannot genuinely lead people to intimacy with Jesus.
Another important element is ongoing formation in the faith. I urge you dear catechists to take up the opportunities to know more and more about the faith. This knowledge will influence your personal conviction in the faith and lead to an ever deeper commitment to serve in love.
Inclusive of this faith formation is the VIRTUS programme which is compulsory in this Archdiocese. ALL CATECHISTS must complete this training if they are involved in the catechetical ministry. A new schedule of dates is available from the Family Life Commission.
Archbishop Joseph Harris has also extended an invitation to the Launch of the New Missionary Movement. This launch takes place on Saturday September 27 at Presentation College, San Fernando. Archbishop Harris will chair the proceedings. We hope that catechetical classes will be suspended for this day since ALL CATECHISTS are required to attend.
On behalf of the leadership of this Archdiocese, I thank you for your generosity and commitment to the Catechetical Ministry over the years.
True faith manifests itself through actions….if you don’t have time to pray and read scriptures you are busier than God ever intended you to be.
Juliet Rajah (Sr.) CHF
Directress of Catechetics
Archdiocesan Catechetical Office