Celebrating catechists – Sep 18
The Archdiocesan Catechetical Office extends to all catechists of the Archdiocese of Port of Spain a resounding “Thank You’ for the many years of quiet service in the ministry of Catechesis to your parish and by extension to the Archdiocese. Ours is a ministry that we cannot do alone. It is only through the power of the Holy Spirit that we are able to journey with people, touch hearts and in the process experience a deeper sense of God’s calling in our own lives.
In this month of September, throughout the Archdiocese at Vicariate level and in parishes, activities are planned to acknowledge, celebrate and honour catechists for their ministry of service on behalf of the community.
The General Directory for Catechesis (GDC) states that the catechetical tasks proper to the presbyterate and particularly to parish priests are:
• to foster a sense of common responsibility for catechesis in the Christian community, a task which involves all, and a recognition and appreciation for catechists and their mission;
• to promote and to discern vocations to the service of catechesis and, as catechist of catechists, attend to their formation by giving the greatest attention to this duty. (GDC #225)
The GDC further states that experience bears out that the quality of catechesis in a community depends very largely on the presence and activity of the priest.
I take this opportunity to also thank and acknowledge the many priests who support the efforts of the Archdiocesan Catechetical Office. May your example and witness bear fruit in the lives of many people. By virtue of our baptism we each have a responsibility for handing on the faith and witnessing to the gospel. The challenge goes out today to the sons and daughters of our seasoned catechists and to all young adults to take up the mantle of passing on the faith in a structured way. Training courses and mentors will be provided. Our young people need young people like you to show by example and witness that following Christ today is possible though challenging.
The following are some of the dates and times for celebrations:
Northern Vicariate – September 18 – St Theresa’s, Woodbrook – 10.00 a.m.
Southern Vicariate – September 25 – Carapaichaima RC Church – 9.00 a.m.
Suburban Vicariate – September 25 – Bourg Mulatresse RC Church – 10.00 a.m.
God bless. – Sr Juliet Rajah, Archdiocesan Catechetical Office