The Sacraments and our Everyday Lives – Jun 30
This term, the Archdiocesan Catechetical Office has embarked on a DVD- based teaching on the Sacraments in each Vicariate. We hope that all baptised persons will try to avail themselves of these opportunities to grow and understand the basic teachings of the faith.
Grace is a gift from God and signifies the presence of God in the world and in human beings. Grace transforms the world, and touches everything in our lives; it pervades everything we are and do.
The celebration of a sacrament is the celebration of the greatest mystery, revealed in the life, death and resurrection of Jesus. In his humanity, Jesus is the sacrament of all that God wants to give to men and women: grace, forgiveness, love and God’s presence. Jesus is the primordial sacrament, and Jesus revealed a new vision and reality of what it means to be human.
The Church also is a concrete sign of God’s presence to all people. It is an outward visible sign of God’s loving gift of God’s self. The Church leads us to Christ, united to all people. The Church gives witness to God’s love by translating its words of love into concrete acts of service for all, especially the poor, the lonely, the imprisoned, the sick and the suffering.
All Christians are called to be signs of God’s love by spreading the Good News of God’s love in Jesus Christ, and building up Christ’s community by serving all people. It is in the wholeness of our human personality that we go to God and the sacraments, and so the sacraments signify and celebrate the grace-giving of God.
The sacraments make visible the mystery of God’s love for us and are events of grace, in which the spirit of God is imparted by Jesus. Christians are called to be sacramental people. Sacraments are effective symbolic actions which celebrate Christ’s grace conveyed to us as we participate in God’s life. Yet, this grace is already in our lives prior to the celebration of a sacrament. With openness, faith and cooperation, we respond to that grace and live the gift of God’s life and love in the world.
Our communion with God is possible only in and through God’s own generous initiative in coming to meet us in grace. The sacraments therefore help to transform us as we strive to grow in our relationship with Christ and humanity.
The Christian community recognises seven signs of love which touch us during key moments of our lives. In loving and being loved, each person learns that honest self appreciation is the basis for believing the incredible truth of God’s love for us.
The seven sacraments celebrate the mystery of God’s presence and love in our midst and they meet us in the major moments of our lives.
As catechists, let us truly allow the grace of God to work in our lives. May we be genuine witnesses to the love of God as we seize the opportunities present to us, especially in the Sacraments of Eucharist and Reconciliation.
Look out for these teachings on the Sacraments in your Vicariate and let us grow together as a Christian community.
Have a blessed week!
Sr Juliet Rajah CHF
Archdiocesan Catechetical Office