Test your knowledge about Lent – Mar 3
This week we break from the usual column to offer this quiz to test your knowledge of Lent and RCIA. Have fun!
When does Lent begin and how long does it last?
a. Carnival Monday/42 days
b. Ash Wednesday/40 days
c. Ash Wednesday/45 days
d. Carnival Tuesday/40 days
What is Lent?
a period of fasting, moderation & self-denial
b. the singing of carols
c. the coming of Jesus
d. the Baptism of the Lord
Why do we receive ashes on Ash Wednesday?
a. to follow the crowd
b. as a public sign of sorrow for sin
c. as a sign to end the Carnival days
d. to enter doomsday
What are we invited to during the Lenten Season?
a. to repent & believe the Good News
b. to prepare for the coming of Jesus
c. to celebrate with a banquet
d. to pat ourselves on the back
Why do we not say the “Alleluia” or the “Gloria” during Lent?
a. because it does not sound good
b. Father does not approve of it
c. To help us prepare for our great acclamation of “Alleluia” and “Gloria” at the Easter Vigil liturgy
d. none of the above
What is the colour that represents the Lenten season and what does it symbolise?
a. white/purity
b. red/sacrifice
c. green/ordinary time
d. purple/repentance & conversion
What do fasting and abstaining during Lent teach us?
a. self-discipline
b. willingness to sacrifice
c. we can grow in our friendship with God
d. all of the above
What do the letters RCIA stand for?
a. Roving Catholics In Action
b. Rite of Christian Initiation
c. Real Catholics In Attendance
What is a Sponsor?
a. a neighbour
b. someone preparing for baptism
c. faith companion
d. rich person
What is a catechumen?
a. someone from the catacombs
b. someone who loves cats
c. a person undergoing instruction in the faith preparing for baptism
d. none of the above
The liturgy where most catechumens receive full initiation.
a. Easter
b. Christmas
c. Lent
d. Pentecost
A person seeking basic information about Catholicism.
b. catechumen
c. neophyte
d. inquirer
1. b
2. a
3. b
4. a
5. c
6. d
7. d
8. b
9. c
10. c
11. a
12. d