Test your Catholic IQ – July 10
1. What does the Mission Statement of the Archdiocesan of Port of Spain ask of us?
a) to do our own thing
b) to build a Civilisation of love
c) to stay in our parish
d) to pray only
2. Which Pastoral Priority is the Archdioceses currently focusing on?
a) The New Evangelisation
b) Revitalising Catholic Culture and Identity
c) Regenerating Moral and Spiritual Values
d) None of the above
3. What happens to the first Pastoral Priority?
a) It is thrown out
b) It is recycled
c) It continues alongside the second Pastoral Priority
d) It comes to an end
4. Which unit does the Church consider most important in passing on the faith?
a) family
b) community
c) nation
d) friends
5. Why is this unit so important in passing on the faith?
a) It is founded on and given life by love
b) It is considered a reflection of Church
c) It passes on the faith in an unstructured way
d) All of the above
6. The Church in the Archdiocesan of Port of Spain encourages:
a) collaboration
b) each one to stay in their own section
c) holding on to your ministry
d) non-involvement
7. The three Pastoral Priorities are:
a) three interlocking and inseparable aspects of the Mission of the Church
b) aligned to the threefold mission of Priest, Prophet ad King
c) meant to flow and complement each other
d) All of the above
8. The heart of the Church’s work is about:
a) evangelising the family
b) building Catholic Schools
c) managing hospitals
d) helping prisoners
9. What does the Church ask of us?
a) attend Eucharist daily
b) go to Confession weekly
c) live Kingdom values
d) view Mass on TCN
10. The Church promotes the use of ……………….to pass on the faith.
a) technology
b) talk and chalk
c) white boards
d) puppets
11. The task of the New Evangelisation in the Archdiocesan is:
a) for all the baptised to live out the call of baptism
b) to help families reclaim their Catholic Identity
c) to become a school of life and love for it members
d) all of the above
12. Catholic Culture is rooted in:
a) the nation’s values
b) the Constitution
c) Gospel values and the person of Jesus Christ
d) a person’s own moral values
13. The rationale for revitalising Catholic Culture and Identity is to:
a) regenerate family values
b) live more fully the fundamental aspects of the faith
c) bridge the chasm of our baptismal call and our day-to-day living
d) all of the above
14. The New Evangelisation:
a) is Christ-centred
b) is the responsibility of the entire People of God
c) begins at home in the family and in the parish
d) all of the above
15. The Synod from 2003 to 2009 was about
a) a gathering of people
b) a new way of being Church in the Caribbean context
c) parishes in competition with each other
d) each person voicing their opinion
Answers on page 2