See how you did in the quiz – Jul 28
Answers to last week’s quiz:
- The Sacraments of Christian Initiation are: Baptism, Eucharist and Confirmation.
- The Cross is the central symbol of Christianity because it reminds us of Jesus’ love for us and of the love we have for one another.
- Prayer is the raising of one’s mind and heart to God.
- Conscience is our God-given ability to judge what is right or wrong.
- We can develop our conscience by listening to God’s Word in Scripture, through prayer, the teachings of the Church and from wise leaders and teachers.
- Sin is freely choosing to do what we know is wrong.
- Grace is God’s life and love within us.
- The Marks are ONE, HOLY, CATHOLIC and APOSTOLIC Church.
- The Liturgy of the Word and the Liturgy of the Eucharist.
- In the Sacraments, we celebrate God’s presence to us in a very special way using signs and symbols.
- We honour Mary because God chose her to be the Mother of Jesus, who is both God and Man. Therefore, we honour Mary as the Mother of God.
- Jesus’ mission was to announce the reign of God’s kingdom and to show us how to be a part of it.
- Jesus used parables to explain the reign of God. He worked miracles as a sign that the reign had begun in Him.
- In the Sacrament of Reconciliation, Jesus forgives us through the words and action of the Priest.
- The Gospels are four inspired accounts of the Life, Death and Resurrection of Jesus.
- Gospel means GOOD NEWS.
- Parables are short stories that help us to understand important truths, e.g. The Good Samaritan, The Prodigal Son.
- The Church is the union of the people of God who believe in Jesus and follow his way.
- God was the first to give honour to Mary. Through the angel Gabriel, God said to Mary “Rejoice, so highly favoured, the Lord is with you…..You are to conceive and bear a son and you must name Him Jesus.” ( Luke 1: 28; 31 )
- Saints are holy people who use their gifts from God to serve other people. Some people after their death are given the title Saint. They have Feast days and their lives are examples for people who want to follow Jesus.
- Matrimony and Holy Orders.
- Bishops, priests and deacons.
- Human beings are called to be good stewards of all God’s creation.
- In the Commandments and the Beatitudes.
- Pentecost.
- Martyrs are people who die for their Faith.
- The Easter Triduum commemorates the central events of salvation – the Passion, Death and Resurrection of Jesus Christ – and spans three days, Holy Thursday, Good Friday and Holy Saturday
- Baptism.
- Confirmation.
- The Eucharist.
- The Lord’s Prayer.
- Advent/Christmas Lent/Easter Ordinary Time.
- White.
- 50.
- Jesus.
- Parents.
- The Beatitudes are eight guidelines of Jesus that show us how we are to live and keep His law of Love.
- Cathedral.
- The Rosary.
- The burning tabernacle candle.
- The Eucharist.
- Mary.
- The Creed.
- The Luminous Mysteries.
- Transubstantiation.