Scenes of joy – Dec 15
After reading and discussing the biblical story of the Angel Gabriel’s visit to Mary with my Standard One pupils at Todd’s Road RC, ideas flowed. The children formed groups and used strategies taught to create shorter versions of the story. The follow-up activity of colouring the representations of the story was very creatively done.
- Some of the Annunciation scenes created by pupils of Todd’s Road RC.
- Some of the Annunciation scenes created by pupils of Todd’s Road RC.
- Some of the Annunciation scenes created by pupils of Todd’s Road RC.
They were ecstatic when invited to create a display as part of a primary schools’ competition. We decided on a craft display representing “The Annunciation Scene”. The project commenced with the conversion of huts from a previous assignment into Mary’s home, materials were gathered, dolls were dressed as Mary and the children got creative as they crafted various forms of the Angel Gabriel. Excitement and pride filled the class as their schoolmates, parents and teachers viewed the final presentation.
The project was indeed a joy-filled learning experience.
– Lorraine Katerson, Standard One Teacher, Todd’s Road RC