Keep holy the Sabbath day – Dec 18
A few weeks back my son told me that he had to go to school on Sunday because he had an examination on that day. I was not pleased at all; however I took him.
When I returned home my friend called to ask if I was cooking. I said yes, but I was tired after having to take my son to school. Her remark was: “On a Sunday! You see how they are taking away Sundays from families!”
Has the Third commandment been deleted from the Ten Commandments? What is happening to our Holy Days of Obligation? Are they optional or rather no more?
Many of us have let the world’s “rat race” conquer us. I too, ever so often have to take a check on myself for fear of falling into this “trap”.
It is extra lessons on a Sunday, work on a Sunday and examinations on a Sunday! When is the family going to meet and do things together when so many other “priorities” are also on a Sunday?
There was a time when Catholic families on a Sunday would bundle in their small cars or walk to church together, come home and have breakfast together, pack a picnic basket and go to the beach together, have lunch together, even pray the Rosary at nights together. Times have changed. Possibly it is because we have become too advanced in technology or have become too rich or have allowed the pleasures of the world to entice us. I do not have the answer.
And so, I invite you as we go through this Advent season to take a closer look at your priorities. And as we seek first the Kingdom of Heaven, to remember the words of that song, that, all the rest will fall in line. Give God His due and God will give back to you, He will turn your water into wine. Keep holy the Sabbath day! – Rosana Gonzales, CERO, Suburban Vicariate for Archdiocesan Catechetical Office