How well do you know your faith?
This quiz is designed to test your knowledge of your Catholic faith, as well as to provide an opportunity for you to research those areas in which you want or need to increase your knowledge.
Happy Learning!
1. What are the Sacraments of Christian Initiation?
2. Why is the Cross the central symbol of Christianity?
3. What is prayer?
4. What is conscience?
5. How can we develop our conscience?
6. What is sin?
7. What is grace?
8. What are the four Marks or Characteristics of the Church?
9. What are the two basic parts of the Mass?
10. What do we celebrate in the Sacraments?
11. Why do Catholics honour Mary?
12. What was Jesus’ mission?
13. How did Jesus explain the Reign of God?
14. What does Jesus do for us in the Sacrament of Reconciliation?
15. What are the Gospels?
16. What does the word Gospel mean?
17. What are parables?
18. What is the Church?
19. Who was the first to give honour to Mary?
20. Who are Saints?
21. What are the Sacraments of Service and Commitment?
22. Who are the ordained leaders of the Church?
23. What responsibility have human beings for the earth?
24. Where do Christians find guidelines for the way we live our lives?
25. What is the feast of the Holy Spirit?
26. Who are the martyrs?
27. What is the Easter Triduum?
28. In which Sacrament do we become members of the Church?
29. In which Sacrament are these words recited: “Be sealed with the Gift of the Holy Spirit”?
30. Which Sacrament is referred to as a memorial of the Lord’s Passion, Death and Resurrection?
31. What prayer at Mass helps us to remember that we belong to God’s family?
32. What are the Liturgical Seasons of the Church’s year?
33. What is the liturgical colour for Easter?
34. How many days are there in the Easter season?
35. The word “Christian” was used after the death of ….
36. In the Fourth Commandment, God calls on us to honour our ….
37. What are the Beatitudes?
38. What name is given to the church where the Bishop or Archbishop is the pastor?
39. What is the name of the special prayer that Catholics have to ask for Mary’s intercession?
40. What is the sign in every Catholic Church which signifies that Christ is present in the consecrated Communion Hosts inside the tabernacle?
41. Which Sacrament is the central point of our lives as Catholics?
42. Whose birth do we celebrate as a Feast Day on September 8?
43. As Catholics, we profess our Faith in this prayer.
44. Which Mysteries of the Rosary were introduced by Pope John Paul II?
45. What is the name for the sacred process which changes the bread and wine into the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ?