Ever ancient, ever new – Jun 8
Pentecost is a special feast for Christians. It is when we celebrate the gift of the Holy Spirit, and comes 50 days after the start of Easter. The Holy Spirit is the third person of the Blessed Trinity – Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
Pentecost is considered as the birthday of the Christian Church, and the start of the Church’s mission to the world. The liturgical colour associated with Pentecost is red. The symbol of flames or tongues of fire or the dove is often used to represent the Holy Spirit descending on the apostles.
Although it has been more than two thousand years since the first Pentecost, the Church is still being born in each of us today. St Augustine says, “She (the Church) is ever ancient, ever new, ever beautiful.”
As we celebrate this Feast, let us open ourselves to the power of the Spirit working in us. As we pray “Come Holy Spirit”, may we be truly open to what the Spirit wants to do in us and through us. As we pray for the Holy Spirit to fill our hearts and kindle in them the fire of God’s love, may we truly mean what we say.
Together we are the Church and what that means is that we are brought together to be of service to one another. This Pentecost, may we who are like cinders burst forth into flames proclaiming that Jesus is Lord!
Using simple imagery, Mexican poet and mystic Amado Nervo says:
Alone we are only a spark,
But in the Spirit we are a fire.
Alone we are only a string,
But in the Spirit we are a lyre.
Alone we are only an anthill,
But in the Spirit we are a mountain.
Alone we are only a feather,
but in the Spirit we are wing.
Alone we are only a beggar,
But in the Spirit we are a king.
– Sr Juliet Rajah CHF, Archdiocesan Catechetical Office