Encourage youth to serve – Nov 9
Although the Confirmation candidates of St Anthony’s, Pt Fortin, and St Joseph, Cedros, were unable to attend the Generation S Youth Assembly at Preysal Secondary School on October 23 due to the annual Parish Sports and Family Day, they were very much in support of the Assembly. In fact, they wore their Generation S t-shirts to the Sports and Family Day.
The parishes of Pt Fortin and Cedros have embraced Generation S as offering renewal for the Church and our young people. In years gone by, young people were very active in the Legion of Mary, Society of St Vincent de Paul, Children for the Poor, etc. This helped them grow in the Christian faith and many are still in service ministry today. However, in recent times young people have not been encouraged to give service. We see Generation S as helping to change this. Through service, our young people will grow in Christian understanding and come to a deeper appreciation of the gifts God has given them and how those gifts can be used for others.
We plan to make Generation S an integral part of our Confirmation programme and are confident that vocations to the priesthood and religious life will emerge. Under the guidance and support of our parish priest Fr David Khan, our Confirmation candidates will embark on a number of activities that will build our parish community. Fr Khan welcomes anyone who has questions pertaining to religious life and who may need guidance. We will continue to encourage our young people to offer their gifts and talents and, through the guidance of the Holy Spirit, to enter into vocation and ministry.
We are currently planning a Christmas project which will entail spending time with shut-ins in our communities and also running errands and doing chores for them. We are hoping that this experience will help the young people to find Jesus in the faces of others, in their voices and in their pleas (#91 The Joy of the Gospel).
As part of our preparation for the Sacrament of Confirmation we have distributed pledge cards to each candidate urging them to keep the promise of joining a ministry of their choice, thus contributing to their formation.
– Sharon Wilson