Catholic Culture and Identity: Owning our faith – Aug 21
The vision of the Archdiocesan Catechetical Office is that “life giving catechesis is offered for every age and stage of the Christian journey”, with the goal that all are empowered to make their faith “living, conscious and active”. Our call as Catholics is to own our faith and put our faith into action. It is to allow our faith to influence our daily decisions and lives. This in essence is the challenge to revitalise our Catholic culture and identity in this Archdiocese.
For this to become a reality, we need a partnership of our families, our parishes and our schools, worshipping, teaching and learning together. Revitalising Catholic Culture and Identity cannot be undertaken in isolation in parishes.
The four essential elements in the process of catechesis are knowledge, formation, commitment and mission. Our knowledge of the faith and encounter with Christ make possible the living of our Catholic identity as we allow this knowledge and relationship to guide and shape our lives and decisions.
Our commitment as a Catholic community to following Christ and gospel values truly brings about a Catholic culture and identity. Because of this, no matter what vocation we are called to in life we have that rootedness to allow our lives to be shaped by gospel values and the person of Jesus Christ.
As Catholics, we believe that we are created in God’s image and likeness. We are called to own and live the words of the ancient hymn, “Where charity and love prevail, there God is ever found,” and John 13:34-35 which tells us, “I give you one new commandment: love one another as I have lived you. By your love for one another all will know that you are my disciples.”
Through training catechists and teachers, provision of programmes, the publication of text books and workbooks and the Correspondence Course, the Archdiocesan Catechetical Office help shape Catholic Culture and Identity by bring faith to life and life to faith.
This identifies us as we live our lives among competing secular cultures.