Building our teachers’ faith – Apr 28
In Santa Cruz
Primary schools in the Suburban Vicariate met in clusters last month for retreat/Reflective Day.
One cluster of six schools: Santa Cruz RC, San Juan Boys’ and Girls’ RC, Malick Girls’, Curepe Fatima, and St David’s met at HolyCrossChurch, Santa Cruz.
It was a glorious day! Many of the teachers present commented that the facilitator, Fr Jayson Grell, was excellent as he somehow was able to touch the heart of each individual present. He left the teachers with one important note and that was to find love in the Gospels.
Chief celebrant, Fr AlexViruthakulangara CSsR, was also extremely dynamic especially as he reiterated that even if we have all the modern methods of teaching and we have no holiness, things will not get better. It is only with a measure of holiness that we will be able to reach our children and make a difference in their lives.
Also present were Vicariate Manager, Aurea Honoré and Louise Zamora, Vicariate Catechetical Coordinator. Each brought greetings from the Catholic Education Board of Management and the Archdiocesan Catechetical Office respectively.
The teachers were all in smiles at the end of the day and commented that it was a day well spent.
They were also able to view and purchase many useful and meaningful items which will assist them in the execution of their lessons. Catechetical Resource Officer Pamela Punch mounted the display and handled sales. – Archdiocesan Catechetical Office