Course Description
This course is entitled Bread of Life Discourse and it is based on the homilies given by Archbishop Charles Jason Gordon during the period 27th April, 2020 to 2nd May, 2020 when John 6 was the source of the daily Gospel readings.
Aims of Course
- To explain what Jesus is saying in John 6
- To challenge belief in Eucharist and Eucharistic presence
- To formulate an understandable theology of Eucharist
Learning outcomes
At the end of this course, participants will be able to
- State the main ideas in John 6
- Apply Eucharist to everyday life
- Justify why we need Eucharist
Study Format
Read – the Gospel passage for the day
Extract – the key ideas you identify
Listen – to the homily for that day as presented in the video
Infer – from what you hear in the homily
Verify- your understanding with the discussion questions
Bread of Life Discourse Course
2. The discourse in the synagoge at Capernaum
3. The discourse in the synagoge at Capernaum- pt 2
4. The discourse in the synagoge at Capernaum- pt 3
5. The discourse in the synagoge at Capernaum- pt 4